Tuesday, 14. Januar 2020
For Tuesday I took the entire day off so that I had enough time to attend all events and shows. On the second day I took Tristan with me, we timed everything so that we could attend as many events as possible with Kim.
We started with the Neonyt at Tempelhof Airport. I was – and still am – totally enthusiastic about the location. I take the train past Tempelhofer Feld every day and yet I have never gotten off at the station to visit this area. The Neonyt took place directly in Tempelhof Airport, which is an exceptionally beautiful place for a Fashion Week event – in my opinion.
The fair itself was so la la. Unfortunately, 95% of sustainable brands are still pretty boring. It looks just like you imagine eco-fashion. For this you could create just as cool and individual pieces as in the fast fashion scene. Eventually, more people would switch to more sustainable brands then. What I found very funny was the fact that the Press Lounge was a lot smaller and more uncomfortable than the Blogger Lounge. One would have to think that journalists are still a bit higher placed, like bloggers… or not?
Dawid Tomaszewski VIP Lounge
The next stop was Dawid Tomaszewski’s lounge, which was very cute but not something for our group. There is not much you can do without an appointment with a hairdresser or make-up artist. There were no cozy corners in the Flaconi Store where you could have sat down and also not many brands with which you could have talked. I would like it if something was also offered for the guests who are not on Germany’s celebrity list. The coolest part was when Kim gave an interview about sustainability and the reporters thought that she has no clue about that topic.
Reichert+ VIP Lounge
After Dawid Tomaszewski’s lounge, we went to the Reichert+ lounge, which was only a few minutes walk away. Ui, ui, ui I have to say that it was pretty crowded there. If you were interested in a brand and wanted to talk to people, you even had to queue up. Note for the next time: don’t go there at the most popular times. However, the brands were very well selected and I liked the location itself. My favorite stands and brands were Bülow Lakrids – which I got hooked on, Youbag – with their great concept, and Svenja Walberg – with her great advice!

It’s sick what you can get at Youbag!
Irene Luft Runway Show FW2020
When we had, more or less, seen everything that was exciting for us, we went to the Kraftwerk for the first show of the day. Irene Luft was on the schedule and it was more than a little full. We were squeezed together on the bench but I wasn’t really surprised about that. It’s one of the most popular shows of the week. I found the designs magical, but unfortunately, I have to say that for me it wasn’t a fall/winter collection with the many flowers, mostly light fabrics and bright colors. In any case, Irene Luft has remained true to her concept and you could see many transparent parts and outstanding skirts again this season. I like the mixture of princess and rock star, exactly my style!
Here you can also watch the show completely: Video Irene Luft
Cashmere Victim Runway Show FW2020
Immediately after Irene Luft, Tristan, and I went to the Cashmere Victim runway show. In contrast to Irene Luft, the Kraftwerk was almost empty. Besides me and Tristan were many free seats and we were in the second row not in one of the last. Probably because the show is just less known, like the previous one or some other events that took place at the same time. Good for us, bad for the others – because the guests were offered a lot. I prefer the shows anyway, which are not so crowded and especially where the models don’t just walk up and down the runway. The show started with a ballet performance, which was just super impressive, and ended with many bright smiling models and balloons. In short, they succeeded in the show and the designs were also very appealing. A perfect fall/winter collection, in my opinion, I would have preferred to exchange my fashion week outfit for the soft pieces from the runway immediately.
Here you can also watch the show completely: Video Cashmere Victim
HashMag Blogger Lounge
After the show, Tristan went home and I met Kim at the HashMag blogger lounge. For me, the highlight of this event was the big pink ball pit. Of course, Kim and I did not miss out on taking a bath in the ball pit and searching for the five hidden balls. Since we found them all within the countdown, there was also a small price besides the fun. I have to say that of all the lounges I have visited over the years, the one from HashMag is still my favorite. You always meet someone you know there and you can relax and have fun.
Irene Luft Afer Show Party
At the end of the evening, we went to the Irene Luft After Show Party with some friends who were at the HashMag Lounge at the same time. We then spent the rest of the evening there. There were two more parties on our list, but we couldn’t make it anymore, because it was just too cozy in the rooftop bar at Mercedes Benz Platz.
Wednesday, 15. Januar 2020
Rebekka Ruétz Runway Show FW2020
With my friend Isabelle, I started the last day of Berlin Fashion Week with the Rebekka Ruétz Show. We had great places and were able to marvel at the collection perfectly. I liked 95% of the designs very much, especially the long leather coats, and the pieces with batik patterns did it to me. What I didn’t like very much, however, were the sweaters with the fur applications, this was just too much for me.
Here you can also watch the show completely: Video Rebekka Ruétz
DSTM Runway Show 10. Anniversary
Immediately afterward we went to the 10. Anniversary Show from DSTM. I already said that the Cashmere Victim Show from the previous day was pretty special and that I enjoyed it. DSTM presented an even more special runway show. The complete show was kind of an expressive dance performance in the artist’s designs. They fit together perfectly, you could see directly through the performance what the bodies and co. can endure.
Here you can also watch the show completely: Video DSTM
Beauty2Go Lounge
After the two shows, there was a short break and so we visited the Beauty2Go lounge. We took some drinks and talked a little. The location was perfect for lingering and relaxing, I would have preferred to fall asleep on the couch from exhaustion. I also met some friends there, which made me happy. Unfortunately, I couldn’t stay too long because the next show was already on. Isabelle then had to go home and quite spontaneously Nessi spent the rest of the evening with me.
Killian Kerner / KXXK Runway Show FW2020
After the Beauty2Go Lounge, I went to the Killian Kerner runway show with Vanessa. Of course,e I first drove a few subway stations too far, luckily we still managed to make it to the show. The designs were presented under “Walk through the fairytale forest”. When Bibi Blocksberg announced the start of the show over loudspeakers, I was taken straight back to my childhood. I was a huge fan of fairy tales, the stories of princes, mermaids, and even little witches still shape me to this day. There were some BibiCDss in the show’s goodie bag, which I’ll listen to before I fall asleep like when I was a kiddo.
The collection matched the “motto” perfectly. I liked the designs very much, those of the men’s collection even a bit more, than those of the women’s. I could imagine almost every piece included in my wardrobe – apart from the extravagant couture pieces. There were many floral patterns, however, unlike Irene Luft, they were in autumn/winter colors. You could also see a lot of velvet and silk, in colors that are reminiscent of a magical walk through the forest. What I found particularly cool were the bags, they were made of PVC and therefore transparent. You could see objects such as apples or mushrooms in them.
Here you can also watch the show completely: Video Killian Kerner / KXXK
Maisonnoée Presentation
After the runway show by Killian Kernern was over, we went to the presentation of Maisonnoée, which was only a few minutes walk from the Kraftwerk. There we ended the evening with a gin tonic and beautiful live music. I have to say that I found it nice to have the collection presented in this way. You could have a closer look at the clothing, at the runway shows you can only catch a glimpse of the designs.
The location that Maisonnoée chose was simply fantastic. The building didn’t look particularly good from the outside, but inside you felt like you were in a castle. The flourishes on the walls and the murals were just adorable. The guests were also offered a lot, which made the atmosphere even better. There was a live shooting, various bars, and a casino table.
The collection presented included chic leather pieces, elegant sweaters, and pretty skirts. SophieRemuss, who is the designer of Maisonnoée, worked with very high-quality fabrics and focused on creating designs with timeless elegance. I liked the collection very much, I saw some designs that I would have preferred to take home with me.