Home LifestyleBeauty review: catrice iconails gel laquers

review: catrice iconails gel laquers

by Sarah Kuhn

PR Sample | Todays blog post is all about my nails and the new ICONails Gel Lacquers from CATRICE. This collection includes 45 different colors, which are in my opinion very pretty. The question which is asked the most is not how the product looks like, it´s how it really is. That´s why I share my experience with the world.


These nail polishes are available since May and you´ll find them at stores like Rossmann or dm. The ICONails Gel Lacquers should ensure a perfect gel shine finish with the new formula which includes acai-oil. It also promises a maximum durability. I received five different colors of this collection grey-blue (16, Cloud Nine), red (05, It´s All About That Red), pink (34, For The Berry First Time!), something between gold and bronze(11, Go For Gold!) and last but not least creme (21, Want To Be My Brightsmaid?). I’m totally in love with the fact that most beauty products have cute names like these nail polishes.




Consistence of the ICONails Gel Lacquers

I think the consistence of a nail polish is really important, I don´t like it when it´s too watery and almost flow down my nails. I also don´t like it if it´s too thick and you can´t really apply the nail polish. It needs to be something in between, I bet you know what I mean. At first sight this nail polish looked really good to me and the second sight confirmed my presumption. Well it could be a bit more liquid but really just a tiny weeny bit.


Durability of the ICONails Gel Lacquers

You can already read it on one of the nailpolishs and I wrote it already above, these nail polishes should stay on your nails really long. I own just a few nail polishes which stay longer than two days on my nails, unfortunately. Maybe I do to many thing with my hands like searching for something in a big bag. Well this one didn´t stay for seven days, like it should, on my nails but still longer than most of the one that I own. It started splintering on the evening of day number three, when I did the dishes.


Covering power of the ICONails Gel Lacquers

The next thing which is really important to me is the covering power. I always use two coats of nail polish but this covering power is so good I just need one. I was so surprised, in a really good way.


Drying time of the ICONails Gel Lacquers

My fourth and last criterium is the drying time. Some nail polishes take hours to dry and some are ready after a few seconds. These from CATRICE were in like three minutes dry and ready for using your hand again. Not bad, not bad.








Conclusion “ICONails Gel Lacquers”:

These Catrice ICONails Gel Lacquers are awesome! I give them five from five stars and for the wide range of colors an extra point. I mean the consistence is good, the covering power is like perfect, the durability is long and it drys pretty fast – what do you want more?!






A big thanks goes out to CATRICE who provided these nail polishes for free.

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